Colourful photo opportunities at Fathers Reef

Fathers Reef is made up of many coral mounts and drop offs with a superb variety of diving. It features shark dives with Silver Tip whalers, clam gardens, coral arches and caves, excellent macro dives and great fish life. Each dive you do on board Febrina leaves you with the feeling of ‘that was a great dive.’ The next dive leaves you with the same feeling. After ten or fifteen dives, most of which are quite different, you realise that you have seen a phenomenal variety of diving. Suddenly, the absolute majesty of diving in these superb waters dawns on you. It is an incredibly rich and varied sequence of dives that are all great!

PNG is an adventure divers’ paradise. For more information : www.MVfebrina.com

Mandarin fish at Weda Harbour in the Witu Islands

PNG’s rich diving diversity provides many opportunities for excellent photos.

Fathers reef has resident Stone Fish



DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘23

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