Pennant Fish in formation at Goru Arches in the Witu Islands

Now retired, dive guide ‘Digger’ who could talk clearly underwater, and was able to find all sorts of critters that were hidden away.

and also Harlequin shrimp. We spent one evening inside the volcano at the centre of Garove Island. This safe anchorage is inside the caldera. It is too easy to imagine that this is a Hollywood movie set for the Lost Kingdom. It is wild and dramatic scenery where dinosaurs could easily eat you in the lush jungle. Febrina’s signature trip includes several days at the Witu Islands to the West followed by several days diving at Fathers Reefs to the East in Kimbe Bay, about eight to ten hours steaming away.

Up in the shallows, tiny sole swim amongst gardens of sea weed littered with Money cowries and Serpent eels. Brilliant sunshine shines down in a tropical wonderland. You can go on and on exploring this mind blowing sandy slope. Weda Bay Close by was a place where we saw some Mandarin fish

Barney’s Reef near Krakafat has amazing coral gardens


DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘23


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