The alluring and magical colours of deep blue water and red soft corals are home to Long Nose Hawkfish

Diving around Raine Island iitself s restricted to the East side. The island itself and the West side are fully protected ‘no go’ zones. The East side is where many turtles swim across the reef shallows to head up the beach to lay their eggs. There are lots of turtles to see on this dive. However, they are always extremely nervous as this is where they are most vulnerable to the Tiger sharks. It is a pleasant reef dive.

There are so many other great dive sites at Great Detached Reef. One of note is the far east extreme of Great Detached reef. This is a wall dive with very strong currents. It is far to deep to anchor. We enter the water as a ‘live drop” and drift down current. The dive brief suggests that we could see lots of sharks. We did see a few here and there in the forty metre visibility. Sometimes, divers have reported seeing more than a hundred sharks on a dive.

Long Nose Hawkfish couple reside in Fan corals


DIVE LOG Australasia #410 - February ‘25


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