Understanding the Orectolobiformes The Orectolobiformes include the following types of flattened sharks. All of them have two dorsal fins, and a mouth close to the front of the head well in front of the eyes. I have summarised one or two unique features that scientists use to classify it to help you to identify them. Row 1. Epaulette sharks - The first dorsal fin is well behind their head. They have short nasal barbels. Row 2. Leopard sharks have an extremely long tail and they have clearly seen ridges on the side of the body. Nurse sharks have a much shorter tail and no body ridges. Row 3. Wobbegongs are extremely flattened, they have skin flaps around the mouth. Row 4. Blind sharks have the cloaca well forward much closer to the head. Basking sharks have extremely long gill openings and 150 rows of tiny hook like teeth. Whale sharks have a huge forked tail and a wide mouth at the tip.



DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24

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