An OVERVIEW of SHARKS In grossly oversimplified terms, divers commonly meet four main types of sharks.

Port Jackson shark

Grey Nurse shark Lamniformes

Whaler shark

Wobbegong shark

A Very Basic Shark Classification All fish are either bony fish or Cartilaginous fish. (Sharks and Rays) Sharks and Rays are cartilaginous and belong to the cartilaginous fish, the Elasmobranchs. They all share an Upper Jaw which is not fused to the skull and gills with openings called slits ▪ There are many main groups of sharks ( Orders) ▪ These include extinct species such as the Cement sharks, ( Placoderms) Chimeras, Saw sharks, Angel ▪ sharks, Six and Seven gill sharks and Dogfish. Rays include Manta rays, Stingrays, Skates, Numbrays. ▪ Classifying things helps you to better understand them and to see how they are related and how they differ.


DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24


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