DIVE LOG Australasia

Manta Point on Nusa Penida is about an hour’s boat ride away. It is a series of cleaning stations at the base of a cliff and can have some surge. There were plenty of mantas here though!

Beach, Jayan, The Jetty, Secret Garden. They all produced amazing critters and beautiful finds. I was especially excited to see the variety of snake eels in the area, with the stunningly patterned yellow-spotted snake eel worthy of a mention. I had never seen this eel before but had two different individuals fully out and hunting during the dives here.

We did do a couple of days out at Nusa Pendida, and although we were a little early for the sunfish at Crystal Bay we did manage to spot one that was a little bit deeper than we were willing to go. The mantas of Manta Point did not disappoint though, they were simply brilliant, with more than a dozen mantas cavorting to and fro during the dives here.

Just as I turned to ascend and end the dive one manta came straight underneath me.


DIVE LOG Australasia #408 - October ‘24


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