DIVE LOG Australasia

Baubau Deep under the City of Baubau, in Indonesia’s South East Sulawesi, lies a hidden treasure few get to experience - Goa Lanto. Entry to this site is via a hidden track off the main road that leads down into a dark cave entrance where, as you descend, you are greeted with beautiful decorations (that’s what cave divers call submerged stalactites and stalagmites), that were formed when the cave was dry before being flooded with water. There is a cool air pocket in the cave that allows you to surface. The air is breathable but there is no exit at this point of the dive. Extreme care must be taken to find your way

back to the main line and entrance of the cave via the lined circuit as this area can get quite silty. Due to the nature of the cave and the overhead environment, this dive requires the skills and techniques acquired during specific cave training. Nonetheless Goa Lanto is a fantastic little dive before embarking on to the next destination, Muna Island, for the more daring and passionate cave divers. Muna Island After a ferry ride from Baubau you arrive in Muna Island, a remote area with deeper, more complex cave systems. The island is home to hundreds of caves, many of which remain unexplored. Here you will find a cave



DIVE LOG Australasia #408 - October ‘24

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