ADEX to Acquire OZTek Advanced Diving Conference 2025

Following the April 2024 announcement of the joint ADEX Dive and Travel Show and OZTek Advanced Diving Conference 2025, Underwater360, the organiser of Asia Dive Expo (ADEX), has announced that it will acquire the OZTek show. Underwater360 will assume 100-percent ownership, management and organisa tion of the joint show, which is scheduled to take place at the Sydney International Convention and Exhibition Centre from March 15–16, 2025. ADEX will draw upon OZTek’s excellent reputation in the technical diving industry to stage a one-of-a-kind event that will consolidate the strengths of both shows and build on a combined history span ning a total of 55 years.

The show promises to invigorate the dive industry in Australia, bringing together technical, recreational and future divers all under one roof. In the coming weeks, all parties will be working together to ensure the ADEX team has full working knowledge and from October 14, 2024, ADEX will as sume full ownership of the event. Any questions directly relating to the show should be made to Mr John Thet thet@uw360.asia and Ellfránce Phãng ellfrance@uw360.asia John Thet Sue Crowe CEO Director OZTek ADEX Asia OZDive Show Pty Ltd


DIVE LOG Australasia #410 February 25


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