A pair of Long Nose Hawkfish perched on a Gorgonian Sea Fan.
Photo Hints: The key to providing a Blue Background required the use of the normal Macro image exposure of F16 – F22 but the use of a very slow shutter speed setting of ¼ Second Although such shutter speeds can result in a blurred image, the extreme short duration of strobe illumination will assist in preventing blur and a very steady cameraman will help to prevent camera movement blur at such a slow shutter speed. Interesting Facts: Hawkfish are effective predators of small baitfish and rely on their ability to perch and launch a sudden attack on their prey. They commonly return to the same coral perch time after time. Such predicable behav iour can be very beneficial to the patient photographer.
Most images of Macro subjects feature a black back ground. This is due to exposures of F16, F22 or even higher and shutter speeds of 1/125 to 1/250 of a second which works well for exposing the key subject with strobe light but such settings will rarely capture sunlight illumina tion that could provide a nice blue background should this be desirable. This Hawkfish provided a great opportunity to shoot a macro image with the beautiful blue ocean background also captured and therefore revealed. Image: by Kevin Deacon. Location: Bali, Indonesia. Genre: Macro with Strobe & Sunlight Illumination. Photography Data: Nikkor 60 MM macro Lens. ISO 100. F22 @ 1/4 Second exposure.
Scientific Name: Oxycirrhites typus
Kevin Deacon is a pioneer of Underwater Photography. His images have been published World Wide in prestigious books, magazines and advertising media. Kevin and Cherie Deacon operate DIVE 2000 based at Sydney’s, Northern Beaches providing Photo Guided Dive Travel Tours, Photo Guided Africa Wildlife Safaris, Sales of Underwater Photographic Equipment & Training. www.dive2000.com.au
Dive Log Australasia #410 February 25
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