When in the wild in a natural state, Great Whites are curious and sometimes swim close to inspect divers in the wild.
that is, making sudden awkward movements and turns with jerking sideways movements of the head. They point their pectoral fins downward at a sharp and clearly noticeable angle. This gives them the mechanical leverage to make bites that are larger and more powerful. They will arch their back which also adds to the ability to bite and bring into play more of the muscle bulk. The most important thing about diving with sharks is to learn to recognise the main types of sharks and which ones are
more likely to be aggressive. The art of staying calm and relaxed in extremely important. Sharks that you see are most likely to be staking the claim to their territory and letting you know that they are the apex predator. In their eyes, Spearfishers are stealing the food that they need to maintain their family. these shark will claim their fish back. They do not tolerate stealing of their food! The resident shark needs that food for its survival and will not tolerate competition.
Bull Sharks, Carcharius leucas are fish feeders but have been known to kill mammals. The females are far bulkier and more powerful than the males. Once again, they are mainly interested in the free food.
DIVE LOG Australasia #410 - February ‘25 48
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