Book Reviews

I also enjoyed Mike’s focus on exploration and diving. He supplements the scientific facts with dozens of personal observations of species that he’s accumulated from thousands of dives around Australia and overseas in both popular and remote dive sites. I highly recommend ‘Marine Biology in the Wild’ by Mike Scotland. ‘Marine Biology in the Wild’ is an extremely useful and fascinating book about the major groups of marine invertebrates. It’s also much more than an identification guide: it’s a celebration of the diversity of life in the ocean; a collection of Mike’s thoughts on the evolution and relationships of marine organisms and the pressing need for conservation; and a treasure chest of knowledge about marine invertebrates. Emeritus Professor William (Bill) Gladstone Image wise this publication is exceptional and this is due to the fact that the author, with decades of underwater photography experience, is also one of Australia's most accomplished photographers. Kevin Deacon Dive2000 A well written, well laid out teaching guide and reference to our marine life. Focusing on invertebrates, the easy-to-follow layout helped me to understand so many different features of the marine world covered. The beautiful images help you recognise each species and the information accompanying will certainly help me in my photography.

The great age of exploration under the oceans Mike Scotland Marine Biology in the wild

Jayne Jenkins

Mike Scotland has earned international respect and admiration for his journalistic skills, underwater photography and especially his knowledge of our marine critters. Marine Biology in the Wild is a celebration of our marine life's treasures - an adventure into another world captured by Mike's photography and text in this brilliant publication. I thoroughly recommend it to all as a must-have trip companion and justifiably deserves a place on any divers library shelf. Dr. Terrence (Terry) Cummins OAM., PhD., B.A. (Hon)., Dip Ed., Dip CM., FAMI., CPM.

The illustrations beautifully portray a unique collection of amazing mostly overlooked life. I found Mike Scotland's recent book titled Marine Biology in the Wild full of easy to understand information illustrated with excellent images. V alerie Taylor, AM. Knight of the Order of the Golden Ark.

Mike says “I have invested a lot of energy into the book, having put my heart and soul into both the photos and the text. My main motivation is to celebrate the beauty of life and to marvel at the ingenuity of mother nature; the inventiveness and genius of the design of lifeforms. It is also to educate marine enthusiasts. To wonder and contemplate the beauty of nature is surely the greatest of all human experience. Everyone longs for adventure and exploration and close encounters with nature, a swim with a whale or a shark or a bright sea shell.” To buy this magnificent book, email mike@divelog.net.au Cost is $40 plus $7 postage 36 Divelog Australasia #410 February 25 www.divelog.net.au

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