factors, including temperature, food availability, and hormonal changes. In the case of spider crabs at Rye Pier, environmental clues such as water temperature and daylight hours likely play a role in synchronising the moulting process. The exact mechanisms that trigger mass moulting events are not fully understood and are the subject of ongoing research. The mass moulting events at Rye Pier are a spectacle to behold, with thousands of crabs congregating in shallow waters to shed their exoskeletons. The sight of so many crabs moulting simultaneously is both eerie and awe-inspiring, as the crabs appear to move in unison, creating a mesmerising dance-like effect. Researchers and photographers flock to the pier each year to witness and document this natural phenomenon. The moulting process is not without risks for the crabs, as they are vulnerable to predation and injury while their new exoskeletons harden. However, the mass moulting events at Rye Pier provide a degree of safety in numbers, as the sheer volume of crabs can overwhelm predators. Additionally, the shallow waters of the pier offer protection from larger predators, allowing the crabs to moult in relative safety. The moulting process is also an



DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24

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