NovoScuba briNgS iNNovatioN to the Surface aNd redefiNeS diviNg through itS iNNovative SubScriptioN-baSed traiNiNg platform F ully ISO certified and equipped with state of the art technology, N ovo S cuba attended the TDEX Bangkok 2024.

Recently NovoScuba announced the global launch of its ground-breaking subscription-based training platform, which is set to redefine the standards of underwater education and mark a significant milestone in the evolution of diving education. NovoScuba official start date was at the TDEX Bangkok 2024 which occured on May 16th. With over a century of combined diving industry experience, NovoScuba has recognised the outdated and limited nature of current training methods and introduces a new, comprehensive and digitally native online diving education platform. This platform will revolutionise diving education by offering the most advanced and comprehensive diving training programmes from recreational to professional levels, including various specialties, all in accordance with international standards and ISO certifications, in an annual or monthly subscription model that overcomes the limitations of single, expensive course materials and certification fees. NovoScuba is not just another diving certification agency, but a breakthrough in the diving industry. " We recognised the need for change in the dive training industry and saw an opportunity

Mark Spiers, founder of NovoScuba, centre of the picture.

to leverage technology to redefine existing business models ," said Mark Spiers, CEO of NovoScuba. " Our deep understanding of traditional pain points for the industry, combined with our digitally native approach, positions NovoScuba as a game-changer in dive education ." NovoScuba's platform offers unique initiatives such as a student subscription model, open access to all course materials, a pay-as-you-certify system for dive shop owners, no inventory required, monthly membership payments, payment in local currency, one-click

Mark Spiers, CEO of NovoScuba

certifications and Pro membership freezes. Designed by professionals for the modern diver, NovoScuba courses are available in 13 languages. They offer a fully interactive user experience through a digital native platform and are inspired by the latest knowledge and trends in diving, equipment, safety and environmental awareness. Key to NovoScuba's approach is its commitment to shared success, accessibility


DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24


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