critters. They are renowned as excellent macro dives. You can discover many types of nudibranchs, shrimps, juvenile fish. Sea snakes and morays. The diving is done from inflatable dive boats. The National Park is strictly controlled in an attempt to save the reefs and maintain excellent diving. You are assigned as a team of four with a guide in a dive boat group 1,2,3, or 4. Each day, group one goes first, the next day group two goes first and so on each day The dive and boat crew help you on and off the dingy and then sort your gear for you. Your gear goes back into your numbered dive locker and tanks are filled ready for the next dive. You main job is to shower and head for the galley to eat, drink and discuss the diving with your new dive friends. LIFE ON BOARD THE PHINISI The crew on The Phinisi provide some of the best service I have ever experienced on a live aboard dive boat. I had a sore back and was working through some issues at the time. The dive crew never let me put on my tank without helping me. They were always were on hand. Every tiny problem was sorted quickly and in a friendly way, just the way it should be. It was the same great service with dining. Three chefs prepared a variety of dishes for every meal, which included fruit, vegies, vegetarian dishes, several meat dishes, and even western food. I am

My buddy, Jerry poses near a colourful Crown Of Thorns Sea Star.

Thailand’s reefs are often an explosion of vibrant colour


DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24


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