Sailing on The Phinisi

Magnificent sight of the luxurious traditional boat, The Phinisi

:: words and images by MIKE SCOTLAND

T here is nothing better than sailing and diving in magical waters. My ten day trip on Board The Phinisi was a wonderful smorgasbord of tropical diving. There were so many awesome encounters and outstanding photo opportunities.

Many of the reefs there are so colourful. They are often densely forested in soft corals displaying their fairyland of bright pink, red and mauve colours. The strong currents bring rich plankton filled waters providing a banquet for countless billions of lifeforms.

Most dives had dense schools of tens of thousands of many kinds of baitfish feeding frantically on microscopic plankton that bloom in the warm waters. It is a living soup that provides sustenance for billions of fish and is the basis of rich food chains leading all the way to huge marine creatures.

Stunning male Parrotfish flashing past at speed.


DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24


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