Great Barrier Reef on the May

Mike Ball Dive Expeditions Reef Update


Managing Director Craig Stephen

On April 15, 2024, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed the world has been experiencing a global coral bleaching event. https://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/satellite/research/coral_bleaching_report.php Coral Bleaching is not new; in 2002, accompanied by coral reef scientific researchers, MBDE conducted surveys on the offshore Coral Sea atoll of Flinders Reef after a significant bleaching event had occurred. It was declared at that time that an approx. 85% of Flinders Reef system had significant bleaching. The reefs of Holmes some 60 miles further North and Bougainville another 60 miles and finally Osprey 80 miles further north again, did not suffer the same fate. Post 2016/17 bleaching event, we again conducted surveys in the Far North Reefs in the vicinity of the Great Detached Reefs. Again, we found that these northern reefs had not suffered the same fate as reefs further south. At this point may I stress the GBR is some 2300 km long. In true fashion Spoilsport set sail between April 25th – 29th to conduct surveys for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s ‘Tourism Reef Protection Initiative’ program. This trip was dedicated to surveys by crew and researchers without guests onboard. In total 121 in-water surveys on and adjacent to the Northern ‘Ribbon Reefs’ sector. To get some perspective, we surveyed reefs on the inner mid-shelf and fringing reefs as well as our sites on the outer GBR. Virtually all sites visited by Spoilsport are on the outer Barrier Reef and beyond into the Coral Sea, as such we are pleased to announce, these reefs (our sites) have been impacted minimally by this most recent event. The outer barrier reef is more exposed to currents and upwelling of cooler water being directly on the edge of the continental shelf; this would appear to be the difference between reefs that showed significant bleaching further towards shore in the shallower lagoon between the outer reef and the mainland. On May 6th – 9th I joined Spoilsport diving 9 different sites between Ribbon Reef No.3 & No.10. to see the reefs firsthand; I’ve been diving on the GBR since 1987 first diving the Ribbon Reefs in 1993 (yes, I’m old); during this time, I have seen our sites impacted by various weather events and whilst bleaching is undoubtably occurring more frequently the Ribbon Reefs are showing their resilience and are as spectacular as ever. Throughout our history, we've navigated through various environmental fluctuations while maintaining our commitment to showcasing the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. Our experienced team understands the importance of adaptability, ensuring that we continue to offer access to some of the most pristine and vibrant dive sites available. Notwithstanding the enormous pressure on reef systems globally, we have witnessed firsthand and for many decades, the seldom talked about recovery of reefs that flourish between these events. Further news …. We have just completed an extensive cosmetic upgrade of Spoilsport maintaining the comfort levels you’ve come to expect from us here at MBDE. We have also introduced further dates for Ashmore Reef and new itineraries for 5 Night “GBR & Ribbon Reef” from 2025, where 2 days will be spent exploring exciting new dive sites. Join us at Mike Ball Dive Expeditions, where the spirit of adventure thrives, and the dive sites remain as captivating as ever. Book your trip now and embark on a journey to discover the magic beneath the waves. All the very best fishes.

1st. Jim Johnson

3rd. Linda Russell

2nd. Marcel Tanke

Coral Sea & Great Barrier Reef! The Best Diving on the Dive with giant potato cod, explore deep walls, witness shark action at Osprey Reef.

New Special Expeditions! Check out our website for details.

Ribbon Reefs Suited to both Divers and Snorkelers.

www.mikeball.com T: +61 7 4053 0500 E: resv@mikeball.com #spoilsportlive #mikeballdive

Tourism Reef Protection Initiative Scientific Expedition with 121 surveys completed along and adjacent to the Northern ‘Ribbon Reefs’ sector.



DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24

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