Ken Hoppen

KEN HOPPEN is a Melbourne-based professional underwater photographer. He started his photographic journey in 1986 when he purchased a used Nikonos V

two weeks before he went on his first big scuba holiday. After shooting the entire week on the same f-stop and shutter speed he managed to fluke a few good shots and had them published in Sportdiving magazine a few months later. Reality then set in, and he worked out that he had to learn a bit about what he was doing! The bug had bit though, and between scuba, photography and a love of critters any spare time was now taken. Ken has been runner’s up in the portrait section of the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year and has contributed hundreds of articles to magazines across the globe. He has been a regular contributor to Dive Log and Sportdiving magazines since the mid ‘90’s, and vows to keep diving until he no longer can! Ken has developed a special interest in fish photography, and is looking to fill gaps in his extensive stock library. For more than ten years he has been leading trips to dive locations around Australia, the South Pacific, Asia, and the Indian Ocean. For more information on future trips, and to see more of his underwater photography, check out his new website at www.kenhoppenphotography.com.au

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