Blue Ringed Snack Attack. Photo Credit PT HIRSCHFIELD

Creating CONTROVERSIAL images: Blue Ringed Snack Attack Dear Critters, I have a confession to make. Recently I shot an underwater image so controversial I almost gave up underwater photography altogether.

I'm photographing Critically Endangered grey nurse sharks on a shallow shore dive in NSW. It's a dive I've done many times. Sometimes I spend two or three hours just hovering at around five metres, while my finned friends line up to have their ID photos taken.

I submit the images to Spot A Shark. They use AI spot matching technology to catalogue individual sharks to monitor their population. I always marvel that when most other divers are finished with the sharks, they swim straight to shore. They rarely if ever make time to explore the kelp-covered rocky outcrops in the last few metres depth.


The winner revealed at ADEX 2024 in Singapore. Photo Credit NICOLAS REMY


DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24


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