metre long, and never stay still. It is really dif fi cult to get them against a background where they stand out, are facing the right way, etc, etc etc. This fi sh has been a source of frustration to me for many years. But no more. One fi sh here decided that whatever it was looking at was far more important than letting the big bubble-blowing mammal get close, and I managed a few minutes where the cale ignored me completely. Bliss. Three days of diving here only scratched the surface. The crustaceans, molluscs, echinoderms and sponges will have to wait for the next trip back. I won’t be leaving it as long this time.

Blue herring cale are a species that is very hard to photograph.

Perhaps one of the most stunning fish in southern Australian waters is the long-nose boarfish.

Blue devils are found hiding in the fallen superstructure towards the end of the jetty.

Small trevally use jellyfish as a protective home base.



DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘23

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