incorporate 10 or more compact cabins, the five-cabin layout and limited guest list of the Pelagian creates more personal space in cabins and other areas of the yacht. Exclusivity comes into play when diving. “ We visit sites where we are the only liveaboard cruising the area ,” Judith explains. “ This means there are no other divers around, and the reefs are less subject to human impact . Pelagian itineraries showcase a variety of underwater environments ,” Ramon says. “ We combine a variety of different diving topographies, so the guests do not feel like they are always diving in the same spot .” A typical Pelagian cruise will take in coral slopes, sandy lagoons, walls, pinnacles, piers, and muck diving sites. “ We can find many different and unique creatures that are not often found at the resort, ” he says. To enhance the experience, the crew stages a muck diving presentation the night before making these dives, and once in the water the DEMs will seek out and share the best marine life finds with everyone. Another high point of a Pelagian cruise often mentioned by guests is the relaxing atmosphere. With multi-level profiles that can exceed one hour, three scheduled dives a day plus night dives, there is ample time in the water to satisfy even the most enthusiastic underwater aficionados. But even with all this available bottom time, there's still plenty of time each day to relax and enjoy a private yacht experience. Ramon notes that the schedule allows almost two hours between the first and second dives, two-and-a-half hours between second and third dives and hours between the third and night dives. This scheduling promotes an atmosphere of relaxation while also enhancing safety with generous surface intervals that allow for longer repetitive dives. The Meal Appeal “ No discussion of Pelagian guest satisfaction would be complete without mentioning the meals ”, Judith says. All meals are served as individually plated offerings, with three course lunch and dinner menus. “ There's always a starter.

Salads for lunch— garden salads, quinoa salad, Ceasar salad, tomato and bocconcini salad with balsamic reduction, pasta salad and more – and dinner begins with a soup choice — pumpkin soup, green pea, oxtail, mixed vegetable, asparagus, and so forth. There are always three choices for a main course — meat, fish, or prawns as well as vegetarian options — and you can always suggest other dishes which the chef will be happy to prepare .” In addition to enjoying a wide range of international favourite flavours and fresh fruits, guests who enjoy Indonesian fare can sample traditional regional dishes accompanied by spiced sambal sauces. Additionally, any dietary restrictions or needs are always accommodated; guests can simply let us know in advance. Favourite Dives While guests usually describe the entire Pelagian diving experience as “exceptional,” some sites are frequently mentioned as particular favourites. “ These include the protected bays of Buton Island ,” Judith says. “ You find hundreds of mandarinfish around Magic Pier, and many other cool creatures like cuttlefishes, octopuses, scorpionfish, baby yellow boxfish, different species of moray eels, painted Ramon Crevilles and Judith Terol Oto, Pelagian Cruise Directors Wakatobi Resort

Fusiliers at Hoga Pinnacles. Image Walt Stearns



DIVE LOG Australasia #406 - June ‘24

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